Thursday, July 4, 2013

Running (sort of) in Wales!

Pip pip cheerio and alllllll that hob nobbery... from Cardiff, Wales! I'm spending the week doing what finance people do at this week of the year- quarter close! Good times. This is my first time to Wales and I'm pleasantly surprised at how cool it is! It's a small city full of life and I love when the old meets the knew (people, buildings, streets sites, etc) in these kinds of places. Most of all.. I LOVE the FOOD!!! I've had an affair with an entire loaf of potato and rosemary bread for dinner... twice. And each morning I jump out of bed knowing that (once my workout is complete) I'll be able to go down for fresh croissants, brie and fruits. I'm on a serious carbo-load diet for...

... well nothing! Because I'm not running! But you know what? I really don't care. I justify it by telling myself that the more I eat the things I love, the less stressed I am, and less stress leads to less fat retention. It's a fact- look it up! And if you find evidence refuting it, don't tell me or we won't be friends. 

Running Update!
I snuck in 3 sessions of PT before I left for Cardiff. I've been assigned a number of exercises to do while I'm here and I've stuck to it. For those interested in the types of exercises that help an injury like IT band friction syndrome, they are all about stretching and strengthening the inner (mostly) and outer thighs but NOT the quad! Noted...
  • Tensor stretch- a stranding sideway stretch to get the IT band to loostened up
  • Hip adduction Squeeze- inner thigh strengthening either done on a the (good girl) machine or (hotel style) squeezing a pillow between your knees.
  • Hip adduction with resistance band- working the same as above
  • Hip abduction- strengthening exercise to work the outer thigh. These weren't assigned to me but I've done them either with the (bad girl) machine or using the resistance band. 
I'm limited to a "mile- maybe 2" depending on how I feel. I just have to run while I'm here because 1) It's a new country to run in and 2) I can't go much longer on the elliptical! Not to mention, I have some GREAT running views...

I've been running by the "minutes," allowing myself a run as long as I get my exercises all done the day before. I've started with 25 minutes and added a few minutes each day until my kneed hurts then supplement my workout with the elliptical and other gym exercises. I've gotten up to 35 minutes before it starts to hurt. The good news? My hotel has a hot tub! That will certainly help in this rehab process. 

I feel good with the progress made so far. Its a slow process (especially while traveling this week) but my Dr really has me feeling positive about the near future. I'll keep you all posted on the progress but for now I'll leave you with this...

"Run to Win" -Meb

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo you are running. Have fun in Wales!!! Looks amazing!
